

Ambassador Directory


Terms and Conditions

Chapter Pages






This page links to and contains information written and maintained by third parties. The third-party content is not provided by the Stellar Development Foundation ("SDF"), and SDF does not independently review, validate, or verify any information received from or submitted by these third parties. SDF assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors, mistakes, omissions, or inaccuracies of such information and makes no warranties or representations as to (i) the accuracy or completeness of this site’s content, (ii) the content of any third-party website linked to this site, or (iii) the products, services or offerings of any third party operating on the Stellar network. Any views and opinions expressed in the third-party content are solely their own and do not represent the views or opinions of SDF.

The Stellar Ambassador Program empowers individuals who are passionate about Stellar to form regional chapters, organize local events, lead educational initiatives, and connect developers, businesses, and users with the resources necessary to build on the network.

The program is open participation, and designed to support the diverse set of contributors and collaborators required for the Stellar ecosystem to thrive. To facilitate a welcoming and productive environment, all Ambassador Program participants are required to follow the Stellar Community Code of Conduct as well as agree to the SDF Privacy Policy and Terms of Service at all times. Additionally, those that serve as Ambassadors and/or Chapter Presidents must meet the Eligibility Requirements and agree to follow the SDF Brand Policy, and the Content and Events Policies as described and linked to below.

Failure to comply with any of the policies may lead to the revocation of privileges associated with the program, including but not limited to the ability to post on the Stellar Dev Discord, attend in-person events,  receive support or funding of any kind and/or any other related privileges.

Relevant policies:

Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations

Regional ambassador chapters support initiatives and events that serve community members.   Each chapter consists of Ambassadors, who collaborate on content, initiatives, and events, and is overseen by a chapter president, who appoints Ambassadors, coordinates initiatives and events, and manages the chapter budget.

The responsibilities and expectations for those roles are as follows:    **

Community Members

Community members make up the target audience for the program, and are welcome to participate in initiatives and events according to their interests. They can:

Community members are expected to:


Ambassadors join a local chapter by submitting a questionnaire to a Chapter President for review, and, once approved, receive a designated Ambassador role in the Stellar Dev Discord and can choose to participate in the program in various ways.  They are encouraged to:

Ambassadors are expected to:

Chapter Presidents

A Chapter President is the main organizer and point of contact for a regional chapter.  They are appointed through the Chapter President Selection process, and have a designated Chapter President role in Discord.  They are encouraged to participate in the program by doing any or all of the things ambassadors do (described above), but also have specific responsibilities to:

Chapter presidents are expected to:

Eligibility Requirements for Chapter Presidents and Event Hosts

To be eligible to become a Chapter President and/or to host an Ambassador Program event, an individual must be a natural person who:

Additionally, they should:

To verify eligibility, SDF requires Chapter Presidents and/or event hosts to pass a KYC check and may also require completion of a due diligence process.

Content and Events Policy

As part of the Ambassador Program, SDF maintains program resources, including a program information page and a program newsletter.  While Ambassadors are encouraged to submit material to these program resources, they are maintained by SDF, and SDF exercises full editorial discretion when choosing how and when to accept submissions, what to publish or post, and when to reject, modify, or remove content.

In addition to these program resources, Chapters may create their own resources, including chapter pages, websites, blog posts, videos, and social media accounts, as well as presentations, workshops, and courses for in-person and virtual events.

These Chapter resources are the domain of the Chapter, and generally, they are created and maintained by the Chapter President, or by others to whom the Chapter President delegates responsibility. SDF does not independently review, validate, or verify the information contained in those resources, and assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors, mistakes, omissions, or inaccuracies they may contain. Any views or opinions expressed on those resources are solely those of the resource owner, and do not represent the views or opinions of SDF.  **

That said, in order to ensure Chapters provide consistent and high-quality information and experiences, there are common standards Ambassadors are expected to follow — and that Chapter Presidents are expected to enforce — when creating, publishing, or sharing content related to the Ambassador Program.

Content Guidelines

Content should:

Content should not under any circumstances:

All content should also follow the Stellar Community Code of Conduct and the Stellar Development Foundation Brand Policy.

Event Guidelines

Events, like other Chapter content, are the domain of the Chapter, and it is the Chapter President's responsibility to select which events to fund, and to work with event hosts to ensure that they follow the content guidelines above.

In addition to any specific processes determined by the Chapter President, Ambassadors should follow best practices when applying to host or hosting events. Generally:

In general, the events, content, and initiatives chapters host, publish, and offer should not target any national, provincial, state, local, or municipal governments or government officials, or any governmental or quasi-governmental entities or organizations (including state-owned, or partially state-owned businesses or non-governmental organizations).